24-25 May– Yoga + Choreographic Practices via Improvisation // Kathinka Walter

 gnarl 15 Space: Studio 3 LPAC
Friday 24: 10:00-18:00
Saturday: 10:00-14:00
Fee: £ 65 / £ 55 concessions, or £ 75 for both workshops

Description: ‘Strong postures, breathing techniques and flowing asana sequences will be used as a starting point to prepare the body and mind for structured improvisations.
Participants will be guided through Kathinka’s choreographic process that examines the role of the choreographer in improvisation through the incorporation of verbal and non-verbal instructions that inform the overall structure and content of the work. The choreographer becomes an active participant within the performance event – the ‘visible choreographer’.

Kathinka Walter is a German choreographer/performer who is based in Leeds and a permanent faculty member at Northern Scool of Contemporary Dance (NSCD). Kathinka works as a dramaturge for the dance company MotionManual (www.motionmanual.com), writes regularly for the German dance magazine TanzRaum (www.tanzraumberlin.de) and teaches yoga to dancers and non-dancers. In 2009 she started her practice based PhD at the University of Leeds. For more info: www.kathinkawalter.com


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